Monday, May 7, 2012

Huts On The Beach

Jack, alone on a pig hunt, attempts to catch a pig, in order to make up for his inability to kill one before. Of course, he is unable to do so, and frustrated that his day's hunt has ended yet again without a kill, I see him run from the jungle, to the place where Ralph and Simon are working on building shelters. I see that Ralph is expressing his frustration, That all the boys said they would help build shelters, only Simon actually is here with him, helping him with the shelters. All the other boys are off playing, bathing, or hunting with Jack, even though Jack and his hunters have no been able to catch a pig for meat and food. Ralph yells at them, trying to explain the need for sturdy shelters, while Jack insists that he and the other boys need meat. I can start seeing several differences in the leadership values, buts its nothing I, Piggy, can do. The yelling makes both boys uncomfortable and none of them really know how to act to this. All I can think about is that I can start seeing things slowly drifting apart. People are starting to separate, or become too carefree of the fact that we are in fact stranded on an island, and we don't have the time to be playing around, but we need to be looking for ways to get ourselves rescued. People are already acting like we have to stay here forever. We need to change the way we are thinking, or we may never get out....

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